No 6 – 19/12/08

SGAA/SSAA News No 6 - 19/12/2008

1. IYA2009: Invitations for opening ceremony (5 feb 2009)
2. IYA2009: Closing ceremony+General assembly in Luzern, 13-14 nov 2009
3. IYA2009: CH Websites

1. IYA2009: Invitations for opening ceremony (5 feb 2009)

For those that have not yet replied to the invitation to the IYA2009
Bern ceremony of February 5th: could you please return the "Carte -
Reponse"/"Antworte - Karte". This would really help us very much for
the organization.

The second due date of January 29th, that you may have seen on the
invitation card, was really meant for LATE inscription. That is, if
you have some uncertainties in your planing we will be able to accept
your inscription until this late date. If it is not the case, we would
be grateful if you can return the card this week, before the Christmas
break, or event better, if you can reply immediately to
before you forget again!

Thank you for your understanding,

Pierre Dubath
Swiss IYA2009 coordinator (SPOC)


2. IYA2009: Closing ceremony+General assembly in Luzern, 13-14 nov 2009

A national closing ceremony of the IYA2009 will be held at the Museum
of Transport in Luzern 13-14 nov 2009. During this event our society will
hold its General Assembly (Friday afternoon). The rest of the program will
be jointly with the Swiss amateurs (Schweizerische Astronomische Gesellschaft,
SAG) and with the Swiss Academy of Sciences (sc|nat).

Please book this date in your agendas. The detailed programm will be
announced later on the SSAA/SGAA and on the IYA2009 websites.


3. IYA2009: CH Websites

The national IYA2009 website is now fully operational: or
Regional activities, grouped according to 3 language regions, are
also linked there.

Visit the site and contact the regional coordinator + webmasters
for any contributions, updates, etc.


The SGAA/SSAA committee wishes you all a Merry Christmas, a happy
New Year, and a fruitful IYA2009!


For more information concerning the SGAA/SSAA, astronomy in
Switzerland, and related topics visit our Website

For any information and messages to be circulated via the SGAA/SSAA
mailing list please e-mail your text to Thomas Schildknecht
( in plain ASCII (no accents
and special characters). THANK YOU !