No 50 – 11/02/2022

SGAA/SSAA News No 50 11/02/2022


1. Christoph Mordasini will step down as Treasurer of the SSAA

2. Registration online to the Society

3. Annual membership payment through the webpage

4. Travel support SSAA – invitation to apply for grants 

5. Call for “Astronomy Outreach” projects

6. Call for MERAC Funding and Travel Awards 

7. The Edith Alice Müller Award 2022

8.  ISSI /ISSI-BJ Joint Call 2022 for International Teams 

9. Next General Assembly of the SSAA in 2022

10. NEW: job opportunities

11. European Astronomical Society (EAS) MEMBERSHIP

12. General information on the Society


1. Christoph Mordasini will step down as Treasurer of the SSAA

Any member from the Swiss astrophysics and astronomy community interested to take on this role on the committee, please send a message to the secretary of SSAA: 

Marina Battaglia, FHNW


2. Registration online to the Society

Each member of the SSAA is asked to register to provide his/her contact details.

If you have changed your affiliation/e-mail please change the information accordingly. 

This will ensure that the SSAA has your correct contact information.

You can directly access the registration page here


3.  Annual membership payment through the webpage

The 30 CHF annual SSAA membership payment for 2021 can be made online:

Please pay any late membership fee as well. 


4. Travel support SSAA – invitation to apply for grants (total amount to distribute CHF 5000.-)

In 2021 the SSAA (Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy) will

have some money from the Scnat available for travel money for young scientists.

The SSAA now invites applicants to apply until March 31st 2022.

A form has to be filled here

The request should provide the date, place, and the reason for the

travel, as well as the cost to be covered by the SSAA. 

Travel money for young scientists is given preferentially to Ph.D.

students but also young Post-Docs, whereby the money may be used for

observing runs, visits to other institutions, conferences, research

schools etc. In the application it should be clarified in a few words

why this travel is important for the research project of the applicant.

Particularly encouraged to apply are young researchers who are in a

situation where it is not so easy to get the money from other



5. Call for “Astronomy Outreach” projects

In 2021, the SSAA offers financial support of up to 5000 CHF for projects on Astronomy Outreach.

Funding is possible for diverse outreach projects, including support for

exhibitions, the preparation of material for schools, the organization

of events, and alike. Projects will be funded on a competitive basis.

Please send a brief project description and your budget request 

to with copy

The deadline for the call is: March 31st 2022.

Requests may also be supported outside this call, if funding permits.


6. Call for MERAC Funding and Travel Awards 

The SSAA is pleased to announce the call for MERAC awards.

Since 2013 the SSAA committee distributes Funding and Travel 

Awards (20’000 Euro in total) sponsored by Foundation MERAC (Mobilising 

European Research in Astrophysics and Cosmology), a nonprofit foundation 

in Switzerland to recognize, encourage and promote the research and 

mobility of young European Astrophysicists and Cosmologists.

The recipients of the MERAC awards are listed here:

The objectives of the grants are to cover travel costs, participation 

at international conferences, short stays abroad, costs for collaborations, 

or alike, to support the development of research projects by young 

astrophysicists. The grants do not cover expenses for scientific apparatus 

or equipment.

The grants are subject to the following conditions:

– The grantee must be employed by or affiliated with a Swiss research 

institute or University.

– The grants must be used to cover project costs, not or only partially 

covered by other institutions. 

– The grant has to be used within two years, after which unused funding 

must be reimbursed to the SSAA.

– The grantee provides the SSAA with a financial report and short final 

report on the use of the grant.  

– The grantee allows the MERAC Foundation to make his/her biography and 

project summary public.

Applications will be received twice per year (March 31st, and September 30th). 

They must include 

1) a short biography, 

2) a research project description with a summary, 

3) and a budget estimate. 

4) In case of a multiple applications, the list of other solicited funds shall be given. 

The applications should be limited to a maximum of 5 pages, 

in a single pdf file, to be sent to 

to with copy


7. The Edith Alice Müller Award 2022

In order to celebrate, in 2018, the half-century of the Swiss Society of Astronomy

and Astrophysics (SSAA), the SSAA Committee decided to create a yearly 

award rewarding one astronomer, author of an excellent PhD thesis.

It is named the Edith Alice Müller Award in recognition for the scientific

research done by Edith Alice Müller (1918-1995) on the composition of the Sun

and for her involvement in promoting Astrophysics at the international level.

She was the first woman to be appointed General Secretary of the International

Astronomical Union.


Students having presented a PhD thesis in Switzerland in 2021 (for the Award in 2022).


To promote high quality astrophysical thesis in Switzerland and support the

access to this field of science for both female and male young researchers.


The awardee will receive a sum of CHF 1 000.– and a diploma.


Submission for the Edith Alice Müller Award must be sent to the following

address :

Deadline for receiving applications is June 15th 2022.

Documents needed :

1. A letter of the thesis supervisor that describes the thesis

2. The thesis manuscript

3. A CV of the candidate

4. A list of publications of the candidate

The SSAA will contact the applicants during the third week of

September to give them the result of the evaluation process. 

The award will be officially delivered at the yearly General Assembly

of the Society.

The list of the awards from previous years can be found below


8. ISSI /ISSI-BJ Joint Call 2022 for International Teams 


The International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern (Switzerland) and ISSI-BJ in Beijing (China) invite proposals 

for establishing International Teams to conduct, at their respective meeting facilities, research in the Space Sciences.


Deadline for proposals:     March 17, 2022

To be eligible, research projects must involve the interdisciplinary analysis and evaluation of spacecraft data. 

They may also draw on complementary ground-based data and/or theoretical modelling where this adds scientific value.

This call is open to all scientists, regardless of nationality or institutional affiliation, who are actively involved in any of the following research fields:

Space Sciences: Magnetospheric and Space Plasma Physics, Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Solar and Heliospheric Physics, Planetary Sciences, 

Astrobiology, Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Fundamental Physics in Space

Earth Sciences using space data. This includes understanding and modelling Earth system processes, as well as climate change projections.

See for details  


9. Next General Assembly of the SSAA in 2022


The next General Assembly will be held on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 October 2022 at a central location in Switzerland. 

Details will follow.


10. NEW: job opportunities

If you would like to make some job announcement in the next e-news.

please send an e-mail to

with the appropriate information.


11. European Astronomical Society (EAS) MEMBERSHIP

The EAS offers free membership to any member of the SSAA working as a researcher in astrophysics in Switzerland. You can opt in during the registration process to SSAA, or later in your profile interface. By ticking the box–> YES, I want  to be an EAS member via the SSAA–, you agree that the SSAA transmits your detailed information to the EAS Office, and you agree that the EAS will make use of these data for EAS-related matters only. The EAS will also publish your first and last names, institution, and country on its EAS website, behind a login. The EAS Office will send login details at the beginning of each year.

SSAA members that are currently ordinary members of the EAS need also to tick this box in the SSAA profile interface if they wish to have the free membership via the SSAA. Otherwise, they will be considered as EAS paying members (40 EUR).

The benefits of EAS membership can be found at:

In particular, EAS members profit from discount registration fees for the EAS annual meeting (formerly EWASS). The membership is, however, not immediate, so in case you plan to attend an EAS annual meeting please be sure to tick the box to accept the EAS membership well in advance of your registration to an EAS annual meeting.


12. General information on the Society

For more information concerning the SGAA/SSAA, astronomy in Switzerland, and related topics visit our Website

For any information and messages to be circulated via the SGAA/SSAA mailing list please e-mail your text to the secretary: in plain ASCII. Thank you !


Dr. Marina Battaglia

Secretary SSAA 
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Institut für Data Science
Bahnhofstrasse 6
5210 Windisch
Switzerland" class="">email: