
The next General Assembly will take place 3 October 2024 in Zurich. It will take place at the University of Zurich in the beautiful Aula of the RAA building, Rämistrasse 59 in Zürich, directly at central campus, tram stop: Kantonsschule

More details will follow.

The Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy (SGAA/SSAA), founded on 9 November 1968, is a professional society, member of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (sc|nat) and part of its platform Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics (MAP).

The Astronomy Roadmap for Research and Infrastructure 2025–2028 and beyond by the Swiss Astronomy and Astrophysics Community is available online. This completes the set of 7 community roadmaps coordinated by SCNAT.

The Website for astronomy outreach activities and events in CH, astronomyevents.ch, is available for your advertisements.