No 20 – 09/10/12

SGAA/SSAA News No 20 - 9/10/2012

1. SSAA General Assembly, 19 oct 2012, in Zurich (ETHZ) 
2. Call for Candidates for Letters Editor in Chief of A&A (deadline 10 November 2012)
3. First announcement of the 43rd "Saas-Fee Advanced Course" of the SSAA, Villars-sur-Ollon, March 2013
4. Conference: Physics at the Magnetospheric Boundary, Geneva, June 2013
5. and SSAA webpage

1. SSAA General Assembly, 19 oct 2012, in Zurich (ETHZ) 

The final program of the General Assembly, friday 19 oct 2012, 
at the Institute for Astronomy, ETH Zurich, Hoenggerberg, is 
posted on the SSAA website. 


The selection of the Saas-Fee course 2014 will be done at the
General Assembly in Zurich. We look forward to receiving interesting
proposals. If possible please contact the SSAA secretary in advance.

Looking forward to see many of you there!
	the SSAA committee


2. Call for Candidates for Letters Editor in Chief of A&A (deadline 10 November 2012)

See weblink for more details

Received from Maurizio Falanga


3. First announcement of the 43rd "Saas-Fee Advanced Course" of the SSAA

                  OPEN FOR REGISTRATION (DEADLINE 5 FEB. 2013)

           43rd "Saas-Fee Advanced Course" of the Swiss Society              
                  for Astrophysics and Astronomy (SSAA)


             11-16 March 2013, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland


Received from Yves Revaz

4. Conference: Physics at the Magnetospheric Boundary

Physics at the Magnetospheric Boundary
Geneva, Switzerland, 25 - 28 June 2013

The "Physics at the Magnetospheric Boundary" conference is aimed at bringing 
together specialists working theoretically, numerically and observationally 
on processes occurring at the limit of the magnetically dominated region 
around accreting objects such as neutron stars, white dwarfs, and T Tauri 
stars, where the surrounding hot plasma is finally captured.

Different manifestations of similar physical processes occur in this wide variety 
of celestial sources and have been investigated since the 1960s by different 
scientific communities. The conference represents a precious opportunity of 
exchange between research groups working on the topic of accretion, across 
different wavelengths and source types. It poses the basis for the next 
steps forward in our understanding of the physics at the magnetospheric boundary.

Planned sessions for this conference include:

 Theory of accretion onto magnetized stars
 Numerical modelling of plasma-field interaction: accretion and jets production
 Observational clues to the physics at the magnetosphere
 Future perspectives in theory and observations

Received from Marc Audard


5) The Swiss webpage/calendar for public astronomy-related events,, has been upgraded.

The page is run by the SSAA in collaboration with the Amateur
societies. All institutes and amateur societies have access to it.

We encourage you to post your future events on the page! To do so
please get in touch with the contact person of your institute
(or contact the webmaster).

The SSAA webpage is now also accessible under

The SSAA committee